Editorial Disclaimer

HBCU Matters Magazine welcomes writers to share their views in this publication on topics in which they are considered to have knowledge and/or a particular area of interest.

The views of the contributing writers published in HBCU Matters Magazine are presented for information and entertainment purposes only and may not reflect the views of HBCU Matters Magazine. HBCU Matters Magazine will not be held responsible or liable for, directly or indirectly, any information deemed false in any submission from a contributing writer. HBCU Matters Magazine reserves the right to deny any editorial submission that does not meet the editorial standards set forth by this publication.

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HBCU Matters Magazine does not endorse any claims made in any product or service advertisements, whether by a company or an individual that appears in this publication. We disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, that are made about any product or service advertising in HBCU Matters Magazine. We will not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage that is caused or alleged to have been caused in connection with the use of, or reliance upon, any advertising claims in this Magazine. HBCU Matters Magazine reserves the right to deny any advertisement that does not meet advertising standards set forth by this publication.